Thursday, June 8, 2017

Smoooooty time!

If you follow me via my instagram and/or snapchat channels, then you know all about my latest habit. Strawberry-banana smoothies. Almost daily. Besides being yummy, they're so good for you! And I notoriously skip out on breakfast because I can only really stomach coffee and a croissant in the weee hours of the day. So, smoothies around lunch-time are perfect.

I basically went from drinking hot tea every day in the fall/winter to now drinking smoothies during the spring/ here's a super quick post on 

A) what I do to simplify the process 
B) what exact ingredients I use because everybody does it differently.

Every Sunday I get fresh strawberries, that I wash, chop & portion-out into sandwich bags & pop them into the freezer. Every day (more or less) I take out a pre-portioned-out bag of strawberries to toss into the blender.

Strawberries, frozen, taste just fine! Don't worry about them losing their taste. Granted, I eat these all within the week and always start over with a fresh batch for the following week.

I do NOT freeze my bananas! Strawberries, yes. Naners, nope. I always toss in a fresh banana. Mainly because bananas can obviously sit out on your counter all week & are good to go. Buuuut, frozen bananas are just, ew. For lack of a better explanation. They get all dark and squishy and um, no thanks. NO need to freeze bananas. Takes 2 second to peel and put in the blender.

So, here's exactly what I put into my smoothie:

- 1/3 cup Milk (whatever your preference)
- toss in those frozen strawberries
- one fresh banana
- 3 generous scoops of ice cream (again, your preference. My fave is Tillamook vanilla bean.) Not a fan of Dreyers btw.
- honey to taste. I use honey instead of sugar to sweeten it up. so good!
- lastly I toss in a few ice cubes at the end, after the smoothie has already been blended up. Ices cubes at the end give it a nice extra chill!

By the way, my blender is the shit. It's a Waring Pro. And it's a champ.

And that's all she wrote!



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