Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Thanksgiving  is tomorrow. Whoa. Which means there are literally only 29 days left till Christmas. And then it's New Year's Eve and before you know it, 2016 is on your doorstep. Woof....take a breath....take a seat...and relax. Even if it' just for a moment. 

Thanksgiving is the tip off for a month-long parade of family get-together's, office holiday parties, Christmas cocktails with the girls and basically just a whole lot of festivities. Which undoubtedly means you're going to need a dress. And probably, more than one or two.

A lot of people find it hard or just downright impossible to justify spending money on themselves this time of year because let's face it, Christmas is expensive. Especially if you're the social butterfly and get invited to just about everything. That means stocking up on hostess gifts AND new outfits that friends, family & colleagues haven't seen yet. Because hell-O! It's the holidays. It's time to spruce yourself up and impress! BUT, let's not break the bank in all this impressing......

My new favorite dress this season is mean truth be told, you can never go wrong with a black dress...unless you're heading to a white party. Then by all means, do not wear black. This fabulous frock was a total steal from Necessary Clothing. $20 people. Uh-huh. It was on sale for $20! The dress is still available on in black and red, for slightly more than the $20 sale price I got a month ago. I love this dress! It's chic. It's sexy. It's playful. It's cheeeeeeap. 

Gorgeous dresses don't have to throw you into a debt at a time of year when you're already dishing out the dough, and a lot of it.

So, I've put together collages showing you some awesome dresses that will keep you totally stylish....whether you WANT to fork out for an investment piece OR stay within a budget. Here are some faves I've rounded up! 


TARGET (budget friendly)

URBAN OUTFITTERS (budget friendly)


ASOS (budget friendly)


NECESSARY CLOTHING (budget friendly)




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