Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Playing with color

Fall is arguably the most beautiful, the most colorful time of the year. I know my East coast readers are probably effing hate me right now. 65 is cold to me. I wore leggings beneath this lace maxi dress to keep me warm & cozy. A black leather jacket instantly transitioned a Summer maxi dress right into Fall. These colors are amazing...I've been getting messages asking me WHAT am I using for my "no-fuss" makeup and HOW is my hair pink today and back to blond-ish tomorrow??


Scunci hair chalk I found at CVS for around $7. The chalk glides onto your hair so much easier by using these little straightener-looking tools. The chalk pops in and out, depending on what colors you want to use. SO easy. AND THE BEST PART. It's chalk. It washes out in the shower. Done and done.

However, before you get carried away coloring your hair, BRUSH it. Curl it. Whatever. Style it however you want it. Then make sure you use a good amount of hair spray to make your hair more coarse, allowing the chalk to adhere better. I use Bumble & Bumble hair spray and Dry shamps. 

Some tips.....
Just like any hair styles, fresh, out-of-the-shower-and-just-blow-dryed hair is not going to be the best for hair chalking. I usually do this hair style 2-3 days having gone w/out washing my hair. YES. I go as long as possible without washing my hair because it's GOOD for your hair. Your hair's natural oils are good for it AND for hair chalking.

I use the dry shamps 1st and then liberally spray that hair spray around, everywhere. Where ever I want hair chalk, I spray.

AND since my hair is both dark brown and blonde (love the ombre trend) I can honestly tell you that the hair chalk color really only looks THAT awesome on the blonde part of my hair. Which shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. So, my fellow brunettes, you can give it a try but you'll probably end up just as disappointed as my sister was when she tried it out on her brown locks. So, in this case, blondes really do have more fun.



Very rarely do I use foundation. I'm always afraid it's clogging the shit out of my pores whenever I'm wearing it. However, when I do use foundation, I've been prone to use Oxygen Wow & Fake-up by Benefit.

Bronzer & Blush....I'm the ultimate cliche by using "Laguna" & "Orgasm" from NARS.

To go with my pink hair yesterday, I used new fave "Vanessa" lipstick also by NARS with a clear, mirror-shine gloss by Bobbi Brown on top. I ONLY wear this gloss on a still day. Wind you say? Keep the gloss away. Otherwise my hair will be a permanent fixture on my mouth. 

Eye liner is always a bitch for me. Seriously. I'm talking liquid liner. But I recently found one I'm not screaming at. Revlon's liquid liner. Keeping me sane and my flick's on point.

The easiest smokey eye ever can be achieved just by using "Voluminous Smoldering" Eyeliner by Loreal. I use it in grey. It's a chubby pencil and the grey color is perfect.

Makeup Forever...where have you been all my life? New fave. So far I'm a big fan of their lipsticks and now their mascara.

For my every day pout? It's all about those darker hues. Take it back 90s, not the hair. Dark lips are always a good idea...I use Fresh Sugar lip balm in plum with a dab of Burt's Bees new lip gloss in "starry night".

Hope that answers some questions.

Have fun with color this Fall!



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