Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Kerastase Resistance - Condish BEFORE you shampoo for the WIN!

Yeah, you read that right. Conditioner BEFORE shampoo. It's a new thing, apparently. Last month I received the revolutionary new system by Kerastase where you literally are using a conditioner before a shampoo and I have to say, after about a month of usage, I'm addicted.

I figured no one better than I to give this new Resistance system a try, especially since my hair has been stripped of color and I need all the therapy I can get for my bleached-out locks.

I'm impressed. My hair literally felt squeaky clean just after rinsing out the conditioner. By the time I got to the shampoo and rinsed that out too, my hair was right where it should be. Soft, tangle-free, major split-end repair. 

I started noticing my hair seemed lighter, cleaner longer, smelled lovely, split-ends were hard to find and strangely I was loosing less and less hair during combing and styling. It's normal to loose hair and I have a lot of hair, so I loose quite a bit; frequently clogging drains wherever I go. But not the case as of late....

And if we're being honest here, just for the sake of testing, in the midst of using the Kerastase Resistance system I decided to go back to using my Living Proof shampoo/conditioner for a day. What a regretful choice. Here I thought Living Proof was the answer to my hair woes but after using Kerastase, I realized I was mistaken. While Living Proof also leaves my hair feeling squeaky clean for days, it dried it out too much. My tangles returned and I was basically pissed I had tried to switch back for testing's sake.....

Kerastase Resistance manages to leave a super clean feeling without weighing down my hair OR over-drying it. It's pretty cool. And I am telling you, you should give it a try. It's worth it. If you're on social media, look up the hashtag #KerastaseTransforms to see what others are saying about it.

I'm glad I got the chance to give this product a test-run because I'm a new fan. To get in the know about Kerastase Resistance Therapiste, inform yourselves by CLICKING HERE! OR shop the products HERE.




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